DHA coaching center. we are here to provide you with everything you need to crack the DHA exam and to help you find your dream job more efficiently

DHA Coaching Center

Medical professionals in Dubai must obtain their license through the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), Ministry of Health or Health Authority of Abu Dhabi (HAAD). The procedure involves payment of fees, training courses, exams, and ministry approvals. Doctors must obtain specific licenses depending on whether they are interns, general practitioners, specialists, consultants or resident doctors. Similarly, dentists must obtain specific licenses depending on whether they are interns, general dentists, specialists, consultants or resident dentists. Nurses too must obtain their license depending on whether they are applying for registered nurse, registered midwife, nurse practitioner, mental health nurse, pediatric nurse, community nurse or assistant nurse. It is to be noted that even alternative medical practitioners such as Ayurveda, chiropractic medicine, homeopathy, naturopathic medicine, osteopathic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and Unani medicine must obtain the required license.

DHA License Is Mandatory For All Health Care

Scanned Copies Of :

  • Passport (Front and Back)

  • Photo (White background)

  • Degree/ Diploma certificate.

  • Mark cards of all years

  • Transcript

  • Experience letters.

  • Still working if applicable

  • Registration certificate

  • Good standing letter.

  • Updated CV

  • Basic Life Support card.

  • 10th Certificate.

  • 12th Certificate.